1. Bryan’s a special one! And no, I’m not just saying that because he’s my husband. He’s a treasure, one of those people that genuinely loves everyone! He treats everyone equally, with respect and kindness.
2. Bryan is a schedule maker and keeper. The 15 minutes he spends planning out his day is golden, because when he plans it, it happens!
3. He consistently runs Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. And bikes Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. Bryan is physically fit and enjoys a good work out.
4. Every Tuesday evening is “Daddy Night”. This is the boys favorite time of the week! Bryan will do something fun with them (that they want to do)… maybe driving RC cars, getting a treat, or swimming. The thing I admire most about the way Bryan interacts with the boys is that during the time he spends with them, he’s fully present and engaged.
5. Bryan is THE HARDEST WORKER I’ve ever known!!! Just like the way he lives every other aspect of his life, he puts his all into the time he dedicates to work. Bryan is a successful owner and operator of a swimming pool company.
6. One of Bryan’s favorite hobbies is learning about his family history. He loves researching his ancestors and learning about their lives. He’s also a great storyteller and is able to capture everyone’s attention when he tells them about his family.
7. Bryan is the oldest of 8 children. He grew up in Mesa, Arizona and attended Mesa High School. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from ASU with a degree in Construction Management.
I can hardly wait to watch Bryan parent a daughter! He will adore her in every way!