1. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to be a mother (like from as far back as I can remember!) I’m sooooooo grateful that God has blessed us with 3 wonderful boys. They mean the world to me! And I’m over the moon excited about the opportunity to adopt a baby girl. Trust me when I say that whoever she is, she’ll be loved beyond measure!
2. I’m a homemaker and I take my job seriously! On top of being a wife, mother, housekeeper, etc., I’m a school teacher (yes, I homeschool our elementary school boys and we love it.)
3. Some of my hobbies include cooking/baking, gardening (I love growing my own food!), playing the piano, reading self help books, going on weekly dates with Bryan, mountain biking with our family (even when I struggle keeping up with them), going camping with our family, vacationing with our family, yeah… basically anything and everything with our family! They’re kinda awesome.

4. In general I’m a very healthy person… but I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes about 5 years ago, so counting carbs and injecting insulin has become a way of life for me.
5. I come from a large family with 5 siblings. I was raised in the Valley of the Sun-good ole Mesa, Arizona and graduated from Mesa High School.
6. I’m a pretty religious person (as is Bryan). We attend church weekly and value the importance of teaching our children about Jesus and his gospel. We make family prayer and scripture reading top priority and try our best to live by example.
7. I enjoy trying new things and have an ongoing bucket list with things I’d love to do with our family. Things like: riding a mule in and out of the Grand Canyon, swimming with sea turtles, and taking a church history tour, just to name a few…
Again, I am just so excited and grateful for the opportunity of being able to add a daughter to our family! What a blessing that will be!!!